• Member Since 27th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


haha rainbow machine go brrr


Are pegasus wings really fragile? Do unicorn spells really fail catastrophically? And just how explosive is chocolate milk, anyways? Join Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the MLP crew as they not only tell the myths, but put them to the test!

Thanks Pustulioooooo for his WONDERFUL Coverart!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 305 )

Foolonthehillz is becoming THAT pony

Yeeeees, this is coooooool
More plz

This could be interesting. I'll see if I can come up with something, but looking forward to more nonetheless.

Motherbucking NITRO! :pinkiehappy:

Fun little episode. Hmmm... Myths... :trixieshiftright:

Nobody is tougher than an Earth Pony!
Celestia doesn't really raise the Sun after all.
Any silly pony could get elected in a town like Ponyville.
The smell of fear makes Dragons HUNGRY!

You missed a part at the beginning where the narrator is anouncing the other Mythbuckers.
Joining them, Twilight Sparkle,
'Twilight speaking'
Pinkie Pie
'Pinkie Pie speaking'

Copy cat!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flge::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::rainbowhuh:
You - :scootangel:
Me - :flutterrage::flutterrage:

Lol, Pinkie!

Well seing no one made a sugestipon yet, (FIRST! cause that's all that matters right?) what about on on earth ponies? they are thought to plain and low leveled due to their lack of a horn and wings... but are they really just plain ponies, or do they have secrets?:pinkiegasp:

What about, can Doctor whooves really travel in time?

Cool. Hmm...how fast does a pegasus have to go to create a sonic rainboom? And is it possible to do multiple Rainbooms in a single flight?

Applejack = Jamie
Rainbow Dash = Adam

Scootaloo = Tory
Apple Bloom = Grant
Sweetie Belle = Kari

The only people who can cook seems to be Spike, Fluttershy and Pinkie pie on this site.
Every time someone else tries, like Twilight or Rainbow dash it seems to end with the food blowing up the kitchen, the house or in one case with RD part of the town.

Favorite show crossed with Ponies?!


91353 Applejack bakes pies <3 So... she can actually cook...

Why can only pegusi step on clouds?
How do their wings give them the ability?:rainbowhuh:


And Rarity & Sweetie Belle are apple pie, so...

Anyway, this is AWESOME, needs more chapters.

If there were a fifth wall, Pinkie Pie would break that too. :pinkiehappy:


You may notice, blaa6, that Mythbuckers was posted on Equestria Daily long before your story was posted here. I also see several people commented on your story that mine already existed :derpytongue2:

I'm not upset or anything XD Just... who you calling copycat? :rainbowlaugh:

Does Rainbow need to reach mach 1 to make a sonic rainboom? ( EMP anyone?:rainbowhuh:)

since inanimate objects don't fall through clouds, can a non pegasi pony walk on clouds if there walking a blanket or something on a cloud

Mach five, actually. Although when it happens her speed doubles to mach 10
Somepone did the math

'Dude, you've got some Arzt on you,'

I was wondering if I would find this fic here or not. Glad I finally did

Myths... myths :derpytongue2:
How long will it take for three fillies to get into trouble?
That's all I could think of :derpyderp1: Fun reads!

:twilightoops: this story is just not right for me. :pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritydespair:

Very good conversion of the MythBusters show into the world of MLP: FiM. It's a little odd to have the camera operator/stage crew become involved in the show, but I guess that's just something that happens when the cast size goes from two to six (or nine). I look foward to more! :twilightsmile:

Do pegasus wings really work underwater?
Do logic and physics really matter?
does an alicorn fly faster than a pegasus?

Do pegasus wings really work underwater?
Do logic and physics really matter?
does an alicorn fly faster than a pegasus?

Pointing fun at "Twilight messes up a spell" stories, eh? Fair enough. Just one thing, there isn't an address in the credits.

There sure is. The last paragraph before the disclaimer.


Did I really not notice that? Oh well, I stand corrected.

Do Windigos really exist?!

pro skills. this is about the best thing ever. i decided to give it 5 stars as soon as i read "between them, they have over 30 seconds of special effects experience." :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: and the cutie mark crusaders mythbuckers yay sounds like the other best thing ever. YOU ARE AWESOME!! :moustache:

:pinkiecrazy: :"...And that's why the Cakes don't let me use gas ovens!"


What kind of show would Mythbuckers be without explosions! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, I've been waiting SO long for this to appear on FIMFiction. So... When's the net chapter coming?

Can another Pegasus do the sonic rainboom?
Can the Cakes make better cupcakes the pinkie pie?
Can a Pegasus fly better drunk?
I'm just going to say you should do one where Rainbow Dash gets drunk. :D
Nice fanfic by the way! :pinkiehappy:

Suggestions: Is it possible to change cutie marks once you got them via cutie pox? This will need the help of Zecora and Apple Bloom now :derpytongue2:

I'm liking how this is going. Keep it up!

Ww are the Mythbuckers! Rainbow Dash-
“Am I missing some feathers?”
And Applejack-
“Oh Luna not the grain silo-”
Together, they have over thirty seconds of special effects experience!

Joining them! Sweetie Belle-
"I think we overdid the explosion . . . "
"We were supposed to do what now?"
And Scootaloo
"Did somepony say boom!!?"

We don't just tell the myths: We put them to the test!


91479 as well as a sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth *3 hours later* one millionth and tenth, and the one millionth and eleventh *passes out from lack of oxygen*:pinkiecrazy:

Funny, well written, what's more to want :). MOAR!!!

There were two thoughts that went through my mind when i read Pinkie has high explosives.


2: That...is one of the most awesome things I've ever read. Pinkie would be the type of pony to keep high explosives around for god knows what reason.

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