Background Pony"My name's Lyra Heartstrings, but you won't remember anything. Listen to my symphony, for itby shortskirtsandexplosions
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The End of PoniesA lone pony of a Wasteland future Equestria finds a way to visit her dead friends in the shortskirtsandexplosions
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PtolemyTwilight Sparkle resorts to Black Magic in an attempt to bring back Wellspring
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Night's Favoured ChildWith her new apprenticeship under Nightmare Moon, Empress of Equestria and Queen of the Eternal Night, the orphan filly Twilight Sparkle plunges head-first into the conspiracies, secrets and intrigues of the Municipal Engines
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· 3,766 · 62
2227901 Thanks. I'll give it a read.
2227886 if you are interested there is a sequel up.
2226774 Not a problem, it was a fun read.
Thank you for adding Soldier of magic to your Favorites.
2023491 Glad to hear that.