• Member Since 27th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2020

Prince Blue Blaze

I am a fan of Anthro and Human stories I also write them

Blog Posts

  • 259 weeks

    sorry for the sudden disappearance my neighbour change her password so I have to now use my mobile data

    4 comments · 349 views

I'M BACK BABY · 11:20am Aug 5th, 2019

sorry for the sudden disappearance my neighbour change her password so I have to now use my mobile data

Report Prince Blue Blaze · 349 views ·
Comments ( 102 )
  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories!

Thank you for reading friend!:twilightsmile:

Wait what happened to him why is he banned

Also Do you enjoy taking away the one thing that might make Prince Blue Blaze happy. We all love My Little Pony and I'm sure many of us are sad it is gone but there is no need to attack the guy

I'm not PBB and also what will you do when PBB comes back? What then? What if he does nothing wrong and you try to report him.

  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102
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