I'm being watched... · 2:44am Mar 21st, 2017
So, I just checked my alerts, and...well...I see this.
Mr Popo is watching you
I think I'll just go hide under my bed for a while...maybe forever.
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[hide message]So, I just checked my alerts, and...well...I see this.
Mr Popo is watching you
I think I'll just go hide under my bed for a while...maybe forever.
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Ditto on the comment below
Maybe you could contact your muse if you researched some of the Pokémon mystery dungeon game as the infected form sounds like it’s from them
Darn well keep trying I'm rooting for ya
Nope. Bastard's a tricky one.
Hello, sparky any luck with that muse of yours?
Eventually. Unfortunately, my muse went and f***ed off somewhere, so until the search parties can find it...