Wolf and Sister in Equestria · 4:41pm Jan 25th, 2014
The story is on hiatus for now because of my chaotic ass life right now. It may be awhile until I have time to work on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience
We are the wolf that stalks
The stars in the sky
And swallows the star-fire
We hide amongst the night
When light is gone
The Light is within us
We run the ruin of Fire
In the darkness
Foes burn in our passing
The story is on hiatus for now because of my chaotic ass life right now. It may be awhile until I have time to work on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience
1383561 Go ahead if you want
1383396 ok bro
1383393 Doesn't mean we can't ask
1383381 Damn man I guess she is busy so yeah nevermind
1382626 She's got a lot on her plate right now, especially since she's pregnant, is in the military, spends time with her husband, and works on other stories, but we can see