• Member Since 26th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I like Kaiju, Ponies, and Anime. If you're interested, you can find my illustrations for my stories here: http://johng117.deviantart.com/

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Comments ( 88 )
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Hey! It really means a lot that you enjoy my story! Honestly, it's nice to hear some kind words about my work, since so few people comment their thoughts. I can't even tell half the time if people like or hate where I'm going with the story. Its nice to know that at least someone enjoys it. And that I'm apparently one of the few who does a decent job at springing new stories with the base of ones we already know.

As for your request, if Tarb is cool with it, then I say go for it! Sounds like it could be a fun read. Plus it'd be nice to have a crossover with Tarb, even if it's an unofficial one lol

Hello, I first want to say that I am a massive fan of your work. I don’t think I have ever seen a series quite like your first, and my personal favorite, series “The Arrogance of Man”. Every time I reread the series it brings me so much nostalgia. I love how you structure the story in a way where some of the events that happen are based off stories from Friendship is Magic, but you use it more as a base to tell your own stories instead of just telling the same stories as others have. It’s a concept that, while others have tried, I’ve only seen a few succeed (you are one of those few). In fact, it’s what inspired me to make a Godzilla X Mlp series of my own.

But anyways, as a way to say thank you for being so much of an inspiration, I want to ask you something. I wish for your permission to make a Death Battle esc mini series where I use your character, Gojira Takeshi Jr, and put him up against Godzilla Junior from the series “The Bridge” written by Tarbtano, whom I’ve also asked permission from. The series will consist of an in-depth analysis of both characters, a roughly 10,000 word chapter containing the fight, and a final verdict that explains who won and why. This is meant to be unofficial to both series and is merely for entertainment purposes. I ask for your permission to use your character in this story in case said character were to lose or not. In the case they do, it wasn’t from a personal bias but because you should’ve written him to be stronger.

So again, I ask if I have your permission to write this story as a way to celebrate both yours and Tarbtano’s series and as a way to say thank you for the amount of work you’ve put into your creations. Again, this won’t be canon and is merely for entertainment. I leave off by saying thank you for being an inspiration to me and the many, many years of storytelling you’ve done.

Thanks! Will do!

Oh and one more thing. Checked out your gallery on devianART. Good stuff man. Feel free to check out my work. It's on devianART too. :pinkiehappy:

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