• Member Since 17th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2021


Still trying to find my inspiration

Current/ Future Ideas

Aftermath Bliss Status: Incomplete

Canterlot's Vigilante Status: Redo in Process


What’s up · 7:16pm Jun 3rd, 2019

So I’m alive, then again I keep on saying that right? Anyways I’ve been on a journey and finally I’m graduating high school so great I guess but regardless I don’t really know what I want to do forward in life even though I’ve participated in many trades. Still I’ve planned on writing but it kinda is hard when you laptop hinges are broken and you’re missing a couple of keys so oh well, have you guys seen the Godzilla movie yet because Ghidorah reminds me a lot of the dazzlings in a way lol so

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Report Zither · 203 views ·

My Work

The Unholy Trinity

The Main 7 and Treble Himself

Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

2390138 Really? Well that's cool.

In one of my own stories, there is acharacter who has the same name as yourself. How do you feel about this?

2276370 Thanks for the follow and i hope i see new chapter on aftermath bliss.:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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