• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


I am Warhorse! I'm the Red Rider, weilding my sword. And my only purpose, is to cull the herd of humanity.

Blog Posts

  • 22 weeks
    Not dead.

    Just so you guys know, I'm not dead. But I have something to say.

    You know I called it quits months ago. However, GxK TNE has revealed to me some splendid cgi. After the official release of the film, {Which I'm planning to do} I'll continue writing my fic afterwards. And forget about the author's note chapter. I'll delete it as soon as possible.

    2 comments · 135 views
  • 49 weeks
    Information needed

    Hey you guys out there. It's me, Warhorse. Listen I've got ideas brewing in my head but I seem to can't get out off the ground. What do you suggest I do?

    7 comments · 161 views

Not dead. · 12:26am February 22nd

Just so you guys know, I'm not dead. But I have something to say.

You know I called it quits months ago. However, GxK TNE has revealed to me some splendid cgi. After the official release of the film, {Which I'm planning to do} I'll continue writing my fic afterwards. And forget about the author's note chapter. I'll delete it as soon as possible.

Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

I'm in. We can make it together

I call it: The Twelve Babes of Christmas.
Starring Flash
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Tree Hugger
A random yak lady
And finally Glida all anthro style.🎄:heart:

Sure, go ahead and tell me

Of course. Though I do have an idea for this holiday event. If you are willing to hear me.

Thank you so much for the follow and I hope you enjoy my stories very much

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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