• Member Since 15th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen July 16th



What story should I focus on · 2:01pm May 11th, 2021

Hello everyone and to anyone who follows me. I have a question about my stories. I don’t really get a chance to go over them. I barely post a chapter but I want to do more. For starters tell me what story I should focus on .

(I’m Not A Villain)

(The Wish)


(A Different Story)*

(Lord of Humanity)*

(I’m The Raven Knight)*

(The Summoner) (re-upload coming soon)

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Report PsychoFox44 · 603 views ·
Comments ( 302 )
  • Viewing 298 - 302 of 302

Just wondering but will your Warlord and/or Lord of Humanity stories get an update in the near future or no?

I looked through your stories and I realize I didn’t recognize any of them yet. However the dragonfly hive has caught my interest.

I'm in the same boat there so I understand what you mean on improve writing skills. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 298 - 302 of 302
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