Welp · 5:14am January 8th
I'm a senior, and I'm starting my second semester in less than a week, so... Yeah, my fics and readers are gonna suffer if I force myself to write it. So expect another long pause in my story.
A Kitsune swordman wondering around Equestrian and beyond, having much tales to tell...
I'm a senior, and I'm starting my second semester in less than a week, so... Yeah, my fics and readers are gonna suffer if I force myself to write it. So expect another long pause in my story.
Here's a question:
If the young six were to command a tank (Or tanks), what role would each of them fit? Ex. Loader, Main Gunner, Commander, Machine Gunner, etc.
So, as said in the main title; I'll be starting an alternative account to plan another series, or just to clear things up a little. Its name will be called
Yo what up guys! Been a while since I last wrote a chapter, just here to tell you that I'm back from a looooooooooooong pause.
Check out my new story and the lastest chapter!
So yeah, straight to the point. I need help. Maybe some help from anhone that's intersected in aerospace engineering or the ISS. Because now I'm stuck at one part on explaining to procedure of docking and undocking from space station. Any helpful comments are free to put into the comment area. I trie dto search up some stuff from the NASA offical website, but what I need is something like Changeling Space Program style type of describing a certian action or procedure.
So yeah.
I'm a senior, and I'm starting my second semester in less than a week, so... Yeah, my fics and readers are gonna suffer if I force myself to write it. So expect another long pause in my story.
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Be sure to check out My Ace Combat Zero story, I'm sure my new updates will bring back some memories of that legendary game.
Your new story made me pick up ace combat 7 during the summer sale ð
Yeah I have yet to involve autumn blaze into my story though I am trying to add her in
Haha, I was scrolling through with Autumn Blaze tags and then found yours