• Member Since 29th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen July 10th

Draco Rex Solis

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Blog Posts

  • 216 weeks
    Sorry... Again

    Hello there my followers, its me again with another apology blog, progress on the new chapters is slow but steady. Last week, I made a decision, I will wait till I got 3 or so chapters ready for "Getting out of Hell" and 3 chapters for my other stories before releasing them, not counting "Getting out of Hell", that makes it 9 chapters, 3 for each story. I think that by next Saturday I can finish them.

    Draco Rex Solis, out.

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  • 218 weeks
    Sneak Peek Time!

    Like I promised, on this blog post, I will write a few paragraphs of stories that I’m making/will make, they can be either from the start all the way till the end, and, as I made this up quite quickly, a few of them can be subject to change on the final product, enjoy!

    PS: This was supposed to have 3 sneak peeks, but I couldn't find a way to write the third without it sounding strange.

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  • 222 weeks
    Sorry for the delay

    Hello everyone, this is an apologizing blog, I know that I haven't been active here for the last months, but I'm not gone, I plan to do a 4 chapters update for "Getting out of Hell" as an apology for the delay, one of them being an sneak peek from another story that I haven't started, but I think that, once it comes out, It will be better than "Getting out of Hell", which I'm also optimistic that once the story starts to gain momentum, you will like it more.

    DRS, signing out.

    0 comments · 156 views
  • 226 weeks
    New story Idea, need feedback

    Hello there everyone, I know that I've been silent these last weeks, and I know that I've let my story with only 2 chapters, the third is almost ready for a long time, but I can't get my lazy ass to finish, it. To be honest, I wanted to write this thing for a long time, but again, lazy as hell.

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  • 235 weeks
    Where is the story

    Hello my followers, I know that some you may be where is the story that I said that I'm doing and why I'm taking so long. Well, it's 2 things, first of I'm a slow writer, I don't write everyday, it's not that I don't like writing, but It's more because I'm lazy; The second thing is that I'm rewriting the 2 chapters that I already made, I felt that they were too rushed ( especially the second ) and were overall badly written, so I decided to make then from zero, right now, it's 50% for the first

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Sorry... Again · 8:03pm Jun 4th, 2020

Hello there my followers, its me again with another apology blog, progress on the new chapters is slow but steady. Last week, I made a decision, I will wait till I got 3 or so chapters ready for "Getting out of Hell" and 3 chapters for my other stories before releasing them, not counting "Getting out of Hell", that makes it 9 chapters, 3 for each story. I think that by next Saturday I can finish them.

Draco Rex Solis, out.

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