I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!
"You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis. Hope to entertain you all. Let’s all have fun and read together, yea?
"When life gives you lemons, you give live C-4 and smile."
If you like feeling awful, you've come to the right place.
You cannot appreciate the light without seeing the darkness.
I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.
Writer of long, character-driven smut of astounding filthiness, lesbian mind-control a speciality. Short-Fic Commission Slots Now Closed
A guy who likes to read clop, and has decided to write some.
Pony smut author known for his love of fillies, futa, and Nightmare Moon and his deep-seated hatred for all males.
Hearken unto me, Crystal Bearers. Thy foe is clad in infernal Light. If thou wouldst triumph, thou must look to the Dark.
Small steps. Commissions are closed for the moment. Just working through my queue.
Hey everyone, BK here! Just wanted to give a quick word of thank you for your interest x3 If you want to help support me, check out this link! https://www.patreon.com/AidenFlack
Aspiring writer and huge sci-fi fan. Also Luna is best pony.
Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.
Xaquseg is the system administrator for FIMFiction, as well as various misc. development, especially related to security. Non-technical problems are probably best asked to other staff members.
I Love Anything That Has to Do With TF2 and Destiny 2 and Fallout 4 and The Military. I Was On Here For Five Years Before I Made My Account
I'm a universe hopping, goofy, pony loving dragon.
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
I am Swedish, born and raised in the fine city of Göteborg, or Gothenburg in English, I'm male, single, heterosexual, I like to read, write, paint, Tabletop RPGs, playing video games and cooking.
So let me get this straight, you put a tank in a can?
Long lost alicorn of destiny. Lives on earth in a human form. Loves displaced fanfics.
I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.
Veteran, nerd, lover of Sci-Fi, and generaly angry black min. X box gamer tag: A Shiny Latias.
Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters. I'm a writer for fun and I am beginning to make Youtube videos of stories that I think deserve to be told.
I love to play video games I love to read fics and the best pony in my opinion is fluttershy
"And I thought this could be my chance to make an impression on everypony. You know, for something other than changing shape"- Ocellus