• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


High-Tier Mediocrity | Commissions Open


Small Update · 4:49pm February 26th

Hey all. This was actually a change I was supposed to make quite a while ago, but I just got around to doing it. The cover art for Same Heart Different Days has been updated. Check it out!

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Commissions Are Now Open (Again)

Hello and Welcome to my commission page!

To commission me, click through to this link. All the information you'll need is here:

Commissions Open!

If you've just stumbled across my page randomly, how about you do some window shopping before closing out a purchase? Below this message will be what I consider my best works, so if you're on the fence, check those out! I'm always putting out bangers, after all! ;)

If you have any questions, shoot me a DM! I'll be happy to answer.

Thanks for reading!