• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
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Pinkies Imagination

Reloading the Story Canon.


Rewrite Progress · 2:46pm August 10th

Just wanted to give an update for the rewrite progress of A Long Way From Home… it’s going very well! Of course, it needed A LOT more work than I initially thought, but I guess that’s always the way it goes, huh?

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So, A Long Way From Home... · 7:46am June 25th

Yes, I'm finally adressing it.

I want, as badly as many of you, for this story to eventually be finished. However, unlike my newer stories, I was very unhappy with the quality of this fic in the beginning. It was very unapproachable for new readers due to the sloppy start and weird transition in the middle area.

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I helped edit a story! · 7:40pm June 6th

Hey everypony! Just wanted to let everyone know im still working on my stories and I'll be releasing another update very soon!

In other words, I also helped edit/proofread a story written by Benjovi2004. Its a Twidash one shot, and its super cute :rainbowkiss:

ERainbow Dash Buys A Vinyl
Rainbow Dash heads into a record store and accidentally stumbles upon a WonderBolts record. Excitement builds up inside her, and she buys it immediately. When she gets back home, however, it turns out she can't handle a vinyl for the life of her.
benjovi2004 · 5.1k words  ·  12  3 · 390 views

Come join a new fanfic discord! · 1:09am May 8th

I'm there too, and so are a bunch of other writers. Come hang out and talk, or maybe even share your stories/ideas!

Or dont. :moustache:

(Link in comments)


Story out now · 1:06pm April 27th

Its out! Like I said before, it will likely be much shorter and to the point than the rest of my stories.

What kind of story is it, exactly? Well, it's a Slice of Life/Romance featuring Rainbow dash and a poor victim of Discord's trickery.

I expect the tone to be much different than my last two larger stories...

Anyways, yeah. Enjoy, :twilightsmile:


New story, out tomorrow · 2:25am April 27th

Just finishing things up with it now. Was practicing 3rd person writing... brainstorming... then suddenly the ideas came together into a nice little story.

This one is gonna be much shorter than my others (AKA, it will be completed rather quickly, I think.) So if you do decide to check it out, be aware of that as my active fics are usually on the longer side. (Above 100K words)

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Coming Updates (Double Chapter!) and Question for YOU! · 3:12am Sep 15th, 2021

First off I want to apologize for the long wait for the next chapter, however things got a bit crazy IRL combined with the fact that I had many things I wanted to do in this chap... so much in fact I ended up splitting it into two chapters roughly 7k words each.

The chapters are about 80% done by now and should be coming out any day now.

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Featured already! · 3:24am Jul 31st, 2021

Wow! Thank you to everyone for helping make this a possibility! Even if it doesn't stay up long, Fall of the Lich King reached the feature box!

I'll take this as confirmation that the new rewrite was a success... and I won't let any of you down!

[Adult story embed hidden]


Revamped and Refreshed! · 12:41am Jul 14th, 2021

Welcome welcome everypony! I have some very exciting news today about a specific story of mine called,

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I've decided what to do · 7:49pm Feb 25th, 2019

Well. I've decided what to do.

I'm going to start working on returning balance again, with some small changes. You can learn these changes by reading the first few chapters of it again.

Another thing, I will not rewrite all of a shadows grave. I will, however, go back and edit it when necessary.

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