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False Door

If you like feeling awful, you've come to the right place.


Maudifications · 4:42am Jul 13th, 2024

My sixteen year old Toyota Prius died a couple of months ago. I ended up replacing it with a lightly used all electric Hyundai Kona because it's a good commuter car and that's what 95% of my driving is. The car is fine. I don't really have any complaints. It's just that it's medium warm gray and I have a hard time finding it in a parking lot. It occurred to me the I should probably put some kind of nerd stickers on it so that I can spot it easier. I've never actually decorated any of my cars

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Report False Door · 172 views · #cars #life #maud pie #question

The Craziest Thing Happened to Me... · 7:18am Dec 2nd, 2023

A short while ago, a user reached out to me on FimFiction to tell me they were making a video adaptation (in Spanish) of my story 'I Have No Wings and I must Fly' for their grimdark fanfic channel. (That was my first MLP fanfic. I wrote it when I was only 1.5 seasons into the show. In fact, I started watching the show in order to do research for the story.) Anyway, I told them that that sounded really cool. I followed their channel, planning to check out their content at some point. I forgot

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My New Book is Out! · 7:15am Jul 31st, 2023

Exciting news for me. The book I've been writing since the end of 2016 is live and available for free download RIGHT NOW. It's my first full length novel, clocking in at 92k words. It’s a significant personal accomplishment because I've never been able to weave a story over 60k without it stagnating or becoming riddled with filler. I've been trying to write a 'real book' by my definition for 14 years and this is the first time it feels like I

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Summer Sin Celebration · 7:29pm Jun 11th, 2023

I'll be participating in the Summer Sin Celebration writing exchange this year. Not because I'm some clop fiend but because I'm enamored with the idea of being part of a group writing project where you put your own spin on someone else's prompt. I don't write clop without plot; I'm always going to need some intriguing hook besides copulation to help power a story. It's my

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Report False Door · 169 views ·

My New Book is Finished · 6:41am May 9th, 2023

Exciting news for me. I finally finished the book I've been writing since the end of 2016. (I did take a 1.5 year hiatus in the middle.) It's my first full length novel, clocking in at 92k words. It feels like a significant personal accomplishment because I've never been able to weave a story over 40k without it stagnating or becoming riddled with filler. I've been trying to write a 'real book' by my definition for 14 years and this is the first time it feels like I actually pulled it off.

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Report False Door · 181 views · #Writing #book

Current and Future Projects · 3:12am Mar 6th, 2023

I’m focusing on finishing a new book that I’ve been writing slowly for over five years. It’s horror. I’m currently at 81k words. There are only two to three chapters left to write. I’ll self publish it digitally on Amazon. It’ll be free on its debut. I’ll tell you about it when it’s out. But what this is really about is the fanfiction ideas that have backed up in my head in the meantime. I just thought it might be fun to give a tentative outline of what happens next.

Title: ???

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On Cover Art · 4:34am May 27th, 2022

I make all of my own cover art. Much of it is whipped up in an hour or two but most of it is also actually pretty thoughtful in design including some intriguing story details. No one ever comments on this and it's actually starting to bother me. So in my first and possibly only blog post, I'm just going to point out all of the Easter Eggs and visual concepts that people may have missed in some of my covers.

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Report False Door · 220 views ·