• Member Since 28th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Writer of long, character-driven smut of astounding filthiness, lesbian mind-control a speciality. Short-Fic Commission Slots Now Closed

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Twilight has too much time on her hooves.

Twilight has a spell that involves 'transposing male characteristics' that she hasn't tried yet.

Twilight is about to get herself into a whole world of trouble.

Translated into Russian(!) by the amazing repitter with editing by FoxcubRandy

Chapters (1)

The very last thing Applejack wanted on a cold winter's afternoon was to be dragged away from her family and out on a thankless errand with Gilda, of all creatures. The griffon was rude, selfish, bullying, loud, and as self-centred as a spinning top.

All the same... for Rainbow's sake...

Written for Jinglemas 2018, fulfilling TehSporkBandit's prompt of 'Applejack'.
AJ edited from screenshot, background in source link.

Chapters (1)

When Hearth's Warming rolls around, it's time to look up family, give presents and share in the seasonal spirit of togetherness. Unless you can't stand your family, the seasonal spirit is like nails down a chalkboard, and as for giving presents...

Well, then you might find yourself wanting other, like-minded company.

Written for Jinglemas 2018 as a Breezie, filling in a missing story for EbonQuill.

Chapters (1)

It's not easy to go back to your life after a thousand years of insanity and exile. It's not easy for Luna to even leave her room. All the same, there's a special somepony that Luna desperately wants to get closer to, and that's worth facing the outside for. All she has to do is get up the nerve to talk to her.

Chapters (1)