A batter story tiltal · 9:53pm Jul 19th, 2021
What is a batter name for in the rick universe .and what wood you call it .
I will chose the Best one
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
What is a batter name for in the rick universe .and what wood you call it .
I will chose the Best one
I follow every one why .
1 I'm or was looking for good writing tallant .
2 if anyone need's help coming up with a new story idea .
3 if anyone is interest in writing a Levi story from aot .
4 I have nothing batter to do from my days off from work
This my second account I'm still going to yuse my old account ones my iPad cones back from the shop .
As for I'm yusing my iPhone.
PS Rick and Morty season 5 starts today