• Member Since 12th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen June 26th


Blog Posts

  • 34 weeks
    Where I've Been

    So, you may be asking why all the chapters for Burning The Sins have been taken down. Well, I've decided to take some liberty and make the chapters first before publishing them.

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    3 comments · 540 views
  • 47 weeks

    So, due to inconsistency errors with Nathan's history, weaponry, and even some of the current events with Everfree Guardian, I cannot continue the actual story within the book its posted under, nor can I continue Burning Sins under the same guise as a remake. Too many fantastical elements on Earth occurred, including elements of Nathan's strengths that rendered him untouchable during fight scenes as well as the three-year long genocide without consequences.

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    10 comments · 437 views
  • 48 weeks
    It's Back

    After writing a few chapters for stories I'm doing on other sites, I've decided to bring back Everfree Guardian and bring elements of Burning Sins and the stories I've made of Nathan Schmidt elsewhere into it.

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    5 comments · 260 views
  • 54 weeks
    Progress & Vacation

    Hey there, guys. Been a while since I've updated anything, eh? Well, you can blame work for that. Shifts have been getting more grueling as we move into Summer, but I do have some news for you all.

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  • 76 weeks
    Burning Sins

    Dunno if this is repetitive. Don't know how this reception is going to be, but after taking so long away from Everfree Guardian and reading back on the story I've made, I realized that it is solid, and I intend to keep it up, but ultimately, it does not capture the kind of person that Nathan Schmidt is supposed to be. The hallucinations, the memories, they were all supposed to incorporate a history that made his reclusive nature make sense, but his premise made less and less sense because of

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    4 comments · 1,342 views

Where I've Been · 8:46pm Nov 28th, 2023

So, you may be asking why all the chapters for Burning The Sins have been taken down. Well, I've decided to take some liberty and make the chapters first before publishing them.

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Report Delta0mega · 540 views · Story: The Five Stages ·
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Hey I know this is the third time I'm posting on your page. But I started playing this Game and thought maybe you could use a little inspiration from this for your character.
Basically your a death row inmate that's forced to kill serial killers, cops, military, etc. It's a movie in a game, but I thought maybe you could take key elements for your backstory or whatnot. Feel free to delete this or other previous messages if I annoy you. Eitherwise ttyl and can't wait.


Hey yo, I don't want to sound like i'm pestering you or anything, but approximately how close are you to completing this story. Just wondering.:twilightblush:

How's it coming along? Still can't wait till u are ready to publish ur story. Probably one I'm most anticipating, mainly because I love the idea of ur character who's not some cliche all around guy. Instead someone with a troubling and violent past, that will show these ponies what a real violent being is like. (Hopefully he destroys some of the villains utterly.) Till then.

Check the description of Burning Sins.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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