The promised day has come and gone, everything fell exactly into place and Canterlot has fallen. A changeling infiltrator watches as his assignment bears fruit, his mind wandering to what was, before the end.
A changeling infiltrator is deployed to a fortified Equestrian position and after weeks of waiting for the promised day, he watches the horizon waiting eagerly for the arrival of his comrades. And he waits. And waits... Well, at least he has company.
I honestly can't summon the will to continue writing it. I plan on continuing it at some point, but it's getting shelved.
For now, I think I will work on some one-shots and short stories. I was ambitious with Night Skies, but I lack the skill to pull it off. So until I feel I can do the story justice, it stays on hiatus.
So, I've spent a lot of time the past week trying to better my writing abilities and rewriting sections over and over again. I'm around halfway done, but it might be a few more days before I finish.
Unless I have a sudden stroke of inspiration and manage to crack out the rest of this chapter today, that would be pretty great.
Edit: I had a sudden stroke of inspiration and managed to crack out the rest of the chapter today. That was pretty great.
The Centurion ProjectElias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of TheEighthDayofNight
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A 14th Century Friar in Celestia's CourtProvidence is an odd thing. Friar Jacques de Charrette, warrior monk of the Hospitallers, will learn this the hard way as a vision leads him to Equestria, where he and his newfound friends will face a diabolical Antiquarian
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ARTICLE 2An alien crash lands in Equestria. It calls itself Muppetz
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Changing ExpectationsWhat does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien KKSlider
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Bug fics from Your friendly neighbourhood buggo boi
Ayo yo, yo! Good evening my brotha, how are you doing on this fine day?
Friendly Reminder that you're still a Snuggle Bug!
Thanks for the watch!
May the Lord Jesus save you, and then guide, protect, and watch over you
I feel your eyes on me in the dark.