• Member Since 11th May, 2017
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Bronze Inkwell

Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters. I'm a writer for fun and I am beginning to make Youtube videos of stories that I think deserve to be told.


Snoot Game · 11:20am March 19th

Hey everyone, so being the absolute lover of romance stories I am, YT recommended me a video about a game called 'Goodbye Volcano High'. I thought, 'what the hell', and decided to watch it, but not before checking the comments. All they were saying was that something called 'Snoot Game' was so much freaking better.

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Random Thought DC x DOOM · 1:04am February 7th

So I had this random thought laying in bed, and watching YouTube. If the Doom Slayer was transported to the DC universe at some point, would he be immediately given a Red Lantern ring? Here me out on this. The Doom Slayer is known for being 'to angry to die'. And we have all seen his boundless rage. So that begs the question, would that qualify him for a Red Lantern ring? I say yes, and the thought of the Doom Slayer with a Lantern ring who's only limit is the user's imagination and seeing as

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Minecraft related idea · 1:44am January 22nd

So I thought about this while listening to Revenge while taking a crap... That isn't a joke. So every story I read about Minecraft has Steve being some kind of ageless being that has been in Minecraft for thousands of years or just starting out. But both don't make sense to a degree to me. So I thought, what if Steve was immortal in the sense that he can't die from age, but everything else instead.

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Christmas Special Teaser · 7:26pm Dec 28th, 2023

Here's a bit from the first scene of my Christmas Special for Accidents Happen. This special will mostly bit plot driven clop, so be advised.

While she wasn't nearly as plump or big as Celestia or Cadance, nor as fit as Luna, she was a bit in-between them. Twilight gave a low moan into our kiss as I groped her left cheek, the feeling of her submerged fur and squishy butt making me even more aroused.

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School Days: New Characters? · 12:22pm Dec 18th, 2023

So I just had a thought. A stupid thought. A funny thought. What if I made it so Photo Finish becomes a foreign exchange student, or just another student, of Canterlot High School? Maybe Sapphire Shores as well?

Oh, and maybe Songbird Serenade too.

Report Bronze Inkwell · 213 views ·

School Days Chapter 4 · 8:17am Oct 9th, 2023

Alright, so Chapter 4 is done... For the most part. Just need to do some final look overs before posting. I hope you all enjoy it when I release it sometime in the next 24 hours. Until then, here's a little bit from it to wet your appetites.

"Thomas, in gym, I… I heard something. I… I heard a few of the other students… I heard that… that they were going to… but I… I didn't… This… this is all my fault."

"You… knew? You knew this was going to happen and you said nothing?"

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School Days Chapter 3 Final · 3:36pm Sep 28th, 2023

Well my dudes and dudettes, I have finished Chapter 3. I have deleted the old one, and replaced it with the new one. I hope you all like it! Be sure to read the Author's notes at the bottom. Until Chapter 4, this is Bronze Inkwell, going insane from IRL shit.

Report Bronze Inkwell · 189 views ·

School Days Chapter 3 Rough Draft · 5:26am Sep 25th, 2023

Hey there everyone, I have just posted Chapter 3 of School Days. However, it isn't the final product. I no longer have the time to do the editing myself, so I am leaving it up to you all to do it! More details will be in the Author's Notes. Until I update Chapter 3 to it's final product, happy reading y'all!

Report Bronze Inkwell · 143 views ·

School Days Chapter 3 · 10:56pm Sep 20th, 2023

Alright, so I've just finished and published the rewrite of Chapter 2. I hope you all like it. Now that brings us to Chapter 3... which I will also have to rewrite due to the different contents of chapter 2. This will most likely cause me to delay the posting of Chapter 3. I apologize for the now extended wait period, but I will endeavor to be quick about rewriting Chapter 3 to fit the new narrative.

Report Bronze Inkwell · 190 views ·

School Days Chapter 2 Deletion and Rewrite. · 5:22pm Sep 18th, 2023

Due to the overwhelming amount of negative feedback from the second chapter, I have decided to delete it, and release the rewrite sometime this week instead of chapter 3. I wish to make a story most can enjoy, and seeing this feedback compared to chapter 1 hurts on a level I can't describe. I'm sorry for disappointing all of you, and I will try to do better.

Report Bronze Inkwell · 866 views ·