• Member Since 19th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen Sunday


A Kitsune swordman wondering around Equestrian and beyond, having much tales to tell...


(There won't be demons in this story... But the demons are always the ones with their darkest side shown...

This took place before and AFTER Storm King attacks Canterlot)

Rugen Solaris, a lost dragonet that's on a dark path of killing and bloodbath. No one really knew his past, as well as why he became what he is now. His real name may not be known all across the land of Equestria, but what his enemies called him... Petrifies them.


(I used Rengoku as an example cuz I can't find anyone that's Demon Slayer related AND closest to a dragon.)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 25 )

(I used Rengoku as an example cuz I can't find anyone that's Demon Slayer related AND closest to a dragon.)

Really? How so?

awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Well, since this is anthro and that when I searched up DS MLP I couldn't find the picture I wanted. So I went with Rengoku


Finally someone did a demon's layer one!

Finally, after what felt like millions of years gone by training with Yoriichi, the drake, finally mastered the total concentrate breathing technique, which Yorrichi passed down; Sun Breathing. He was rather surprised by the fact that the drake completely took in his breathing form without any trouble.

After the drake woke up, although he felt as if millions of years had gone by, in real-life, it's really just several seconds.

Okay! A million years is WAY TOO OVEREXAGGERATING, and I don't care it's all in his head.

It doesn't take that FRICKIN long to learn a single technique from another world.

It's NOT like you are teaching him a god-like technique that busts out universes with a single shot or something?!

Plus, your just making the little dragon acting super, duper weak and also too stupid enough that it takes THAT FRICKIN LLLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGG to finally master just one special technique, and earn the OP sword??!!

I mean, anime characters like Goku, Naruto, Saitama, Natsu, and even Izuku/Deku learn new powers, techniques, special abilities, and more in less than a single year.

Even way less than that in "rare" occasions.


I wanted this to be realistic and a bit slower, at least comparing to the others. Plus in some other fics I read, the story is going waaaaay too fast, and that readers would get lost easily.

I really hope this inspired some writers out there, cuz we REALLY need some Demon Slayer fics.

You do realize that in real life, breathing techniques from Demon Slayers are basically boosting your respiratory system which can increase your heart rate to strengthen your muscles to match the same strength that the demons do; WHICH means that you'd have to run at least 10~30 miles a day without stopping at all at the SAME rate of speed, just think about how long you'd have to get used to and master it COMPLETELY.

Even Tanjirou takes some backfire from overusing breathing techniques.






K guys, which characters should I write next?

Rugen's joureny, or Storm King?


You call a "million years of mental training" a bit slower?! I'm surprised that this drake haven't gone insane from training that long.

Why can't it be the like the original 100 years or a 1,000 years?


Okay. But I highly doubt it will take a "million years" for our main characters in Demon Slayer to master their techniques or anything.

They aren't immortal, and even if they somehow got longer life spans than regular humans. I HIGHLY doubt it's up to a "million years".

Heck, I looked in wiki. And Tanjiro himself is only 16-17 in the recent chapters. While Yoriichi is over in his 20's in his prime. And before he sadly died, he is over 80 years old.

What I'm trying to say is how can Yoriichi have a very, very, very hard time teaching this small drake his Demon Slaying abilities? When he is already a master of it, and also easily teach others of the breathing techniques BEFORE he went to his 80's?!


I'm more into what our main protagonist ( Rugen ) is doing. Plus, I don't like to read about the Storm King, and his heartless atrocities on the world.

The sooner he ( along with his Generals/Commanders ) will eventually gets sliced to tiny pieces by your anti-hero badass. The better. >:)

Rugen was also being a rude massive dick there for a moment.

awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


He is being a unnecessary ass to poor Silverclaw.

Well, that's true. Ronins' are not a big fan to having to travel with another person, also, some Ronin rather work alone for whatever reason or simply doesn't want innocent people to get involved into something personal.

New chapter ?????

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