This story is a sequel to A Kingdom For Her Horn
The throne of Equestria has fallen.
As the Storm Corps begins to spread out over the continent, the last remaining Alicorn Princess, Twilight Sparkle, must find a way to save what remains.
Cover art: background by probabldr@derpibooru,org, vectors by,,, and edited by
Been a while since I read a really dark story. Let’s remedy that, shall we.
Oh man. I don't tend to read dark stories that much, but given this story's prequel, and what you do with Tempest Shadow—no matter what side she's on—I'm definitely willing to give this puppy a go. Good luck!
Do we get an explanation why Discord doesn't interfere?
I'll be honest; Discord is personally, a really, really tricky character to work with, when he can just snap problems away. That's why I don't use him that often.
The Storm King better hope Aprion doesn’t show up.
No necessarily. Queen Chrysalis throne could negate his powers. Who's to say that Discord doesn't have any other weaknesses? For all we know, the Storm King might have used such a weakness to bind him, and whatever curse he used was broken when he died in the movie, and Discord was too prideful to tell anycreature what happened. But with the Storm King winning and still living in this scenario, it looks like Discord will be stuck wherever he is for a while longer.
Awesome! Amazing! Outstanding!
(all I did was press A!)
i'm loving this so far, i hope some of the rebels they gather consist of Lightning Dust, and Sunset Shimmer coming through the mirror portal
Interesting better keep track of this story
Nice, I was hoping there'd be a sequel.
Lol, I really don't see the Storm King having that much forethought, hes a friggin joke. Then again, hes written a bit differently in this story, so miles could go a different route with him.
I guess we'll just have to wait an see!
the truth is sometimes hard to take, but it is necessary
Ouch. Way to tell it like it is, Starswirl. We may not want to, but sometimes we just have to accept reality.
So, given that Twilight still had her cutie mark (and could weakly fly and use a little bit of magic in the other story), she still has a small degree of her magic.
Will she eventually recover her full magic with rest and time, or is she "capped" out at that very low level unless she gets her magic back from the staff?
Well technically not the last alicorn, cause Flurry is still kicking around.
Wait, is Spike dead or is he somewhere else? And where are Skystar, the pirates, and capper?
According to a comment on the prequel story, Spike was in the cannon.
Therefore, I have omitted him entirely; he's dead.
Jury is still out on the pirates, Skystar, and Capper. Not sure what to do with them yet.
Welp. So it begins.
Ah! So that’s the “sword of harmony” you clever fox you
I hope that by the end she will be able to live with herself.
Twilight becoming necessary evil or justice
I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel like making myself a cup of tea...
I feel that the next time Twilight and Tempest meet that Tempest will lose everything that makes her a unicorn.
Daring Do?
That was fast.
Yeah, I knew a point was going to come in the story where fluff would be thrown out the window entirely.
9875093 I hope by all that's holy that it isn't Sombra.
But I guess we'll find out soon enough.
That was easy, i like it tho
Tempest is a Dead Mare Walking.
That is all.
This makes me wonder if Twilight can find the pieces and put them back together then maybe her her friends and the princesses can be brought back, sadly that sounds almost too good to be true.
That was inspired by the fate of Princess Amore in the comics, the first ruler of the Crystal Empire. She was turned to stone, shattered, and the pieces scattered.
To my knowledge, they were never found.
That went quicker than I expected.
note to self - don't piss of Twilight
I find it depressing that Twilight’s last real interaction with her friends (sans Spike) before their deaths was telling them she’d be better off without them.
Unfortunately, now she has no choice but to test that particular theory.
Twiggles's beaten Tempest in hoof-to-hoof combat?
Mix of hoof-to-hoof and magic.
That was a nice story, though in my personal opinion, was over entirely too quickly. Personally I would have stretched it out to 30k as a minimum, and I have no doubt such a plot could easily break 100k and not feel unnecessarily long if done correctly. But that's just my two cents.
This was a wonderful ending to a great story. Thank you.
I'm rarely the best at fluff, and I was afraid it would effect the quality of what's here.
I’m not a writer, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
I feel like what you’ve done is that you simply went from major plot point to major plot point with very little to connect them. For example, Twilight and Co. simply went straight from the Crystal Empire to mount everhoof in (from our perspective) an instant.
You could have filled chapters with their travels alone. Maybe they had to evade the storm king forces looking for them. Also, this journey would give Twilight enough tome to properly think about what happened. The guilt from the last thing she told her friends. How she’s the last princess. Develop her anger toward Tempest.
We never really got to see how Starlight properly feels about the whole situation. Would she try to rein Twilight in, or want revenge with her. Maybe Sunburst could try to be a voice of reason.
All this, just between the Crystal empire and mount everhoof.
So much more could have been added in my opinion, and I’m just a little sad because I feel like this story has so much potential.
I guess you could rewrite it if you feel like that’s a good idea.
I've never rewritten things I've already posted, but I get what you're saying.
It was originally going to be just the oneshot of "A Kingdom For Her Horn", simply a bad-ending hypothetical of the movie.
Then as my mind goes places during work, I started to think 'what if Twilight was able to find a way to fight back?'
I knew going in that the lack of fluff would probably be the story's greatest flaw, but I wanted to share what I had thought up.
I've been writing for 30 days straight leading up to the finale. This was just the last six days of that.
I have no tears for Tempest Shadow, she got what she deserved. She traded her kingdom, her own people and for what? A horn? Now she'll probably go down as the most hated pony in Equestria's history.
Good Story imo. some parts are a bit rush, but overall, very good.
Yeah, as the days pass, I'm viewing the lack of fluff as this story's biggest flaw.
Will there be a sequel?
Even if it fast forwards time?
Not sure. I'm leaning towards no for the time being.
I'm preparing my next Fizzlepop story for release tomorrow morning, because that is clearly what my readers are voting for me to post.
I don’t mind I just found them today and they are awesome
Glad you're enjoying them. Next one will be the longest yet, just won't be released all at once.