• Member Since 1st Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday

DIO Brando

"Hurry up and fetch me my leg!"

Latest Stories

This is a summation of my efforts to contact the human race outside of my lovely mansion.

I am DIO, and you were led here perhaps by fate, perhaps by chance. Regardless, you are here, and I believe it was no accident.

I have stories. Stories that you might enjoy. Stories that might compel you to read, to crave more. They are written for you, so please do consume their contents to your leisure.

Furthermore, I am a composer. I write music for a lot of things, and you can find that in the link below.

Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Honestly, idek why I hadn't already. But no problem.

Thanks for the follow!

Hoho, then come as close as you like.

I can't read your fics without getting closer.

Hoh? You're approaching my user page? Instead of reading some stories, while your fellow FiMFiction users so desperately cling to shipfics and clop, you come to me?

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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