• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
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An aspiring writer who grew strong with the help of fellow fans of MLP.

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A Glorious Return · 1:54am Sep 25th, 2021

Greetings all, by necessity this will likely be short to avoid spoilers. But first! Some appropriate music (apologies I couldn't find this song with pony cover art).

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Comments ( 27 )
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A podcast about Ernest you say? I'll definitely have to give that a listen. And yeah, I was watching Ernest Scared Stupid not that long ago, it's amazing how well they did the practical effects for that movie. Even after over a decade they still look incredibly realistic, with Trantor and his ilk actually giving the appearance of living breathing monsters, even up close. For such a funny movie, they sure made it terrifying.

Thank you.:twilightsmile:

Oh yeah, I freaking love that song. 25 years ago I would have said Ernest Rides Again was my favorite Ernest movie. But now, I think I prefer Ernest Scared Stupid. Which is ironic because that movie scared the shit out of me as a kid. I literally did not sleep for a couple nights for fear of trolls.

Also, I listen to a podcast on and off about Ernest. Its called "Ernest Goes to Podcast" and it's really good. It's a guy and girl team that talk about everything Ernest. It's worth a listen.

You are very welcome, I've been a big fan of Ernest since I was a kid. Seeing him continuing his adventures in Equestria in such a creative story was a delight. I look forward to the next chapter with eager anticipation. Oh, and as long as I have you here, I was curious if you've ever seen this little ditty from Ernest Rides Again:

Might make for some splendid battle music. :twilightsmile:

Hey bud, thanks for the fave on Ernest Saves Equestria. Appreciate it.

I have indeed seen the G5 movie, I actually even wrote a blog about it. I imagine Derran in that era would be. . . interesting. :twilightsmile:

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