• Member Since 29th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


22 | Just some British brony who likes to write storys and play games. | Heres my stuff: https://piggynator.carrd.co/

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Something awesome! · 9:42am July 8th

Hey all! Been a while. Time for a few updates for "My report on another world":

Things have been coming along smoothly! New chapter is in the works with an idea that sprang to me while at work. Working on introducing it in the new chapter!

Oh, and something else! I AM GETTING COVER ART FOR IT!!!!! My good friend GenesisDraws agreed to make some cover art for the story. The story page will be updated to include it and all of Genesis's links. FOLLOW HER WHEN YOU CAN. SHE IS AMAZING!

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Report Piggynator · 18 views · Story: My Report on Another World ·
Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

Heh thanks for watching me

You're very welcome!

Thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy what my brain comes up with.

My name is Wrex. What's your?

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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