• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2022


I'm mostly here to comment on other people's work, although I admit I read very slowly. As for myself, I am an animator and I live in South Africa

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After Chaotic Neutral · 11:36am Mar 16th, 2015

My brain is seriously dying on me, but let's see if I can at least attempt to make a coherent blog post. :twilightblush:

So I finally finished Chaotic Neutral! Holy crap! :twilightoops: a full year and a half and I've finally finished it! I've written fics of similar length for other fanbases before, but it has never taken me that long! However, I can say that the fics I wrote before were not as polished, edited or worked on as Chaotic Neutral is.

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Report C-Puff · 1,113 views · Story: Chaotic Neutral ·

Stories with my art on them

Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

Chaotic neutral is amazing

Comment posted by Gleaming deleted Aug 17th, 2014

I love your writing! :heart:


I love your art work.:heart::

Oooh, gotta say, wonderful art style, and you have a real knack at Discord's personality in your story! As an avid writer who loves writing Discord, your work is really well done! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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