• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2018

Recteik Shade


False Alarm. · 10:30pm Oct 16th, 2015

Hey everybody. So I just accidentally published the next chapter. I'm sorry to everyone about that. I pushed publish instead of edit. I'm afraid you won't get that lucky.

Report Recteik Shade · 424 views ·

It begins

Concerning Internets... Also My Delusions of Grandeur

Internets are little brownie points I offer to people who catch the references in my stories or, help me out when I'm in a jam. Right now there only good for two this, but hey if I get more popular than may be I can do more.

300 Internets will get you a One shot request
1000 will get you a spoiler in my big story plots. (you are of course sworn to secrecy)

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[] Get Featured Again
[] Get Featured: One For the Road
[] Get Featured: The Revenge
[] Get Featured: This Time It's Personal
[] Write the Worst Thing in the History of Bronykind (Be Afraid)
[] Ring the Mary Sue Bell Just To Piss People Off
[] Get Overly Confident and Throw a Celebrity-esque Tantrum
[] Make a Mortal Enemy
[] Find The Portal To Equestria and Punch Flash Sentry In The Face
[] Piss Off My Readers with a Cliffhanger Ending
[] Hug Scootaloo
[] Write a Weird Ship
[] Play Chubby Bunny with John de Lancie

Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22

1868755 sure thing. keep up the good work

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

Thanks for the fav! :twilightsmile:

1488547 Stories that I started reading but haven't finished

[] Write the Worst Thing in the History of Bronykind (Be Afraid)

what would that be i wonder?...

not sure i get you im getting back into it or whatever it was called.... is that just a list of stories you plan to read?

1399997 happy to support anything with Dinos in it :twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

Thanks for faving Tyrannosaurus #rekt!

thanks for a fav :twilightsmile:

Okay. But I'm not a pro in that kind of stuff. But I am interested. But.
So okay. I can be a grammar nazi. I guess.

  • Viewing 13 - 22 of 22
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