• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 8th, 2022

Gunther the Green

Just a writer as a hobby.

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A big thanks for 1000 likes · 3:27am Feb 25th, 2017

Good grief, it's been over a year since the story started. A year of 15 chapters and 2 partial chapters and look at where it's come to. A thousand likes. Just, wow.
How about a little story time in my personal thoughts on the story?

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Report Gunther the Green · 498 views · Story: That Strange Stallion ·
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

I still dont get what you used as a crossover and.i really want to know

I see by your avatar you are a man of impeccable taste.

You're welcome, I was happy to write it. And thank you for submiting your question.
I've no idea. I'd like to if I could, but I'm not a good enough writer to make a completely original plot on my own

Hey, thanks for the story.

Are you planning on making a series with Broken Depths, or is it still in the development process?

-The Character


Yeah. Auto-correct sucks

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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