• Member Since 7th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

The Toaster

Writing for the fun of it.


Leo had just turned 16 and passed high school, he had a life that you can consider ordinary. But one day he dreamed of a creature who was better described as outright bizarre, also having a strange and questionable sense of humor. But he just shrugged that aside.

An error on his part, as the creature who named himself 'Discord' suddenly pulled him into a world he had never seen before and with a body that was similar to his, and what did he mean by himself being an apprentice? What the hell is going on?

And why do the people all look like colorful horses?

The artwork's are not mine! They belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 40 )

That hybrid would be a pain in the ass

Great new story coming together!
Keep it up!

I feel like the pace was a little too fast. Maybe have some slower dialogue and more detailed descriptions of characters and events.

Thanks for the tips, will do!

Ok that chapter was good with the way you did it. I am doing a fanfic my self but I have multiple realities of it and don't know which one to choose. But the plot that you are doing here is good as it is. Keep it up!

Will try! Once school and sickness is out of the way!

no! This month, my sickness and once i finish some of my homeworks

cool. wish you luck then. I just posted a story myself so I'm going through the same thing myself... sort of.

I hope this isn't dead already.

Nah dude, it was more of a joke story, i didn't expect to explode like that, i will work more in this after i have finished my 'God of Anger'

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

Desculpa mano, mas ela ta em hiatus por enquanto, estou focando em outra história, mas relaxa que abandonada ela não está!

Comment posted by Starkiler deleted Feb 8th, 2021

Gonna wait patiently for this one to continue

Why make this anthro?

Personal reason, I can't write thinking about animals walking on all fours, i imagine them just like normal people, and that would destroy the immersion, so I do anthro to look more natural.

Yay. finally. It has updated.

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

When is the sequel !?

You guys really like this story huh? my God xD
Dunno, still working on it


This could use 46 more chapters

This story is good, needs more chapters.

Holy shit! What is this illogical heresy, a story revived from the 3+ year grave? Honestly I forgot this story even existed but intrigued to see that it’s back and with possible continuation.

Discord just looked at him with a sadistic smile, suddenly disappearing with a 'POP' sound, surprising the young man, and then suddenly appeared flying and surrounding the smallest with his body while laughing and facing him. "Why do people do things? Why do what I do?"

Why does anyone do anything?
Sheer Absolute Boredom!!

This is some sort of necromancy

"BOI" Discord called him once again, now behind him with a red tattoo over his face for some reason. "YOU NEED TO BE BETTER!"


Awesome to see this is still alive

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