• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th

Madd the Sane

Wants to be a Mac programmer.


So RealityCheck is leaving · 6:03am Jan 4th, 2016

I am a sad squirrel :fluttercry:

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Thanks for the fave my friend! :scootangel:

Thanks for the follow!:eeyup:

Than you very, very much for placing my story The Song of Syhlex on your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you could enjoy the poetic format.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave and comment on Ardi's Return!

Thanks for the fave! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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