• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday

Madd the Sane

Wants to be a Mac programmer.

More Blog Posts10

  • 465 weeks
    So RealityCheck is leaving

    I am a sad squirrel :fluttercry:

    5 comments · 645 views
  • 569 weeks
    Pinkie Pie in season 4

    Some people seem to think that Pinkie Pie seems to be flanderized in season 4. I, myself, think that Pinkie Pie is trying to lighten the mood in the only way she knows how. For the most part, she is quite empathic to other ponies, and probably realizes that Twilight is under a lot of stress and is trying to make her smile. A side effect if this is she seems more ditzy than usual.

    0 comments · 347 views
  • 575 weeks
    Kings can be good

    I'm posting this here in case RealityCheck deletes the original. Note that this is fairly religious and has nothing to do with my stories, so you can safely skip it if you want.

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    0 comments · 381 views
  • 620 weeks
    Spike the dragon

    For those wondering what happened to Spike, the second chapter of Growing Some Wings will have some hints.

    4 comments · 426 views
  • 622 weeks
    Started Back Up

    Sorry for the long wait everyone, but I got distracted by school and coding PlayerPRO Cocoa. Now that school's out, I can spend some time on Growing Some Wings.

    2 comments · 409 views

So RealityCheck is leaving · 6:03am Jan 4th, 2016

I am a sad squirrel :fluttercry:

Comments ( 5 )

indeed why is he leaving! :fluttercry:

3695025 3663401
He claims that he's being victimised by the mods.

It is true that he has had some bad response to his more ranting recent blog posts and a few chapters he's posted that have been very critical, in a way that was a rather heavy-handed attempt at satire, of recent episodes in the show (and I'm one of those who unfollowed him because of the former). However, it was hardly a cataclysmic loss of followers (less than 5%, IIRC) or a concerted campaign of down-thumbing his works.

In truth, I think he just felt increasingly unwelcome here for his opinions on the show, its themes and it ethics as well as his own personal politics and religious beliefs.

I see, thank you for taking the time to explain that.

he's still my secant favorite whiter. (professional or other wise.)

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