• Member Since 10th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm just a guy who likes to read pony Stories. Feel free to go and check out my Library and my assorted bookshelves. Just to let you know I put some stories into multiple bookshelves.

Comments ( 80 )
  • Viewing 76 - 80 of 80

:raritywink: Completely understandable. Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.

And what if I told you that I’m to lazy to change it?:trollestia:

:ajsmug: "Thanks for favoriting Rage! Glad you enjoyed it."

:twilightoops: "Tell him the bookshelf it's in should be titled Silver Stories, not Sliver stories..."

:ajbemused: "Twilight, why you haveta do that?"

:twilightsheepish: "I can't help it!"

(anyway, thanks!)

And now thanks for adding It's Only Coffee to your shelves as well!
Edit 6/16/24: As well as The Perfectiest Plan to your shelves. I hope you enjoyed your time with the sugar overload.

Thank you for adding Can I have a hug please? to your library and I am happy that to see that you enjoyed it.

  • Viewing 76 - 80 of 80
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