• Member Since 17th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 27th, 2022


If 'I love you' is a promise, would you break it if you're honest?

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Sick · 8:10am Dec 13th, 2017

Hi... (making this sound depressing straight from the beginning)

Unfortunately for me, I'm sick at the moment. Fortunately for the people that actually enjoy my crossover, I have a lot of time to write. :) ♡

Report MidnightShy21 · 342 views · Story: TMNT and MLP crossover ·
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Yes I need help

Comment posted by MidnightShy deleted May 15th, 2018
Comment posted by MidnightShy deleted Feb 26th, 2018

It's no problem. I figured it would make it easier to keep in touch.

It's not a problem really :)

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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Sick · 8:10am Dec 13th, 2017

Hi... (making this sound depressing straight from the beginning)

Unfortunately for me, I'm sick at the moment. Fortunately for the people that actually enjoy my crossover, I have a lot of time to write. :) ♡

Report MidnightShy21 · 342 views · Story: TMNT and MLP crossover ·