• Member Since 17th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen June 24th


"Hi! I'm Nugget, and I'm your friend to the end. Haydeeho! Ha ha ha!"

My Favorites...

Favorite Pony: Princess Luna
Favorite "Mane Six" Pony: Rarity
Favorite Support Character: Moon Dancer
Favorite MLP Villain: Nightmare Moon

Favorite MLP Episode:
For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils
Written by: Dave Polsky - Season 4 - Ep. #19

Favorite Movie: Stephen King's The Mist
Favorite TV Genre: Thriller
Favorite Music: Rock / Metal (Heavy, Power, etc...) - Country - 80's & 90's Pop
Favorite Style of Food: Italian

Favorite Quote:
"The harder you work, the luckier you get!"
- Daniel Adair - Drumer - Nickelback


Meap? · 4:08pm Apr 19th, 2021

I'm not dead... but meap?

How are ya guys?

Report Nugget · 211 views ·
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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Aw! Your new profile picture looks so cute! :rainbowkiss:

Hello. It's been awhile seen we've talked. How have you been?

Read my latest story... X.

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