• Member Since 12th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Anything is better than reality


Well, I am still alive. Status update · 3:58pm Aug 8th, 2018

I was pretty much gone from here for a good bit.

First and foremost, I published a new story. Nothing amazing, but I do hope it's a nice enough read. It's tagged in this blog post, so if you haven't already, please consider checking it out ^^

So, what have I been up to and why was I so inactive?

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Report Fedairkid · 315 views · Story: A new day ·


Hey there,

I wrote my first story on a whim after listening to too much 4everfreebrony, so yeah i´m more of a casual writer with no prior experience in the subject. However it was a lot more fun that i anticipated , so i decided to continue.

Feel free to check out my storys and leave your opinion, i am eager to improve!

Best pony? Twilight

Favourite episode? Slice of Life ( S5E9, although it is very much tied with All Bottled Up

Favourite season? Season 5, mainly because of the amazing premiere and Slice of Life.
However if season 7 keeps up the quality it has so
far, it will take the throne in my eyes

Stance on EQG? Objectively viewed i do not like the movies, but i can´t help but
remember enjoying them to some extend ( Rainbow
Rocks is the exception, i genuinely liked that one).

Latest Stories


Hey there,

I wrote my first story on a whim after listening to too much 4everfreebrony, so yeah I'm more of a casual writer with no prior experience in the subject. However, it was a lot more fun than I anticipated , so I decided to continue.

Feel free to check out my stories and leave your opinion, i am eager to improve!

Best pony? Twilight

Favourite episode? Slice of Life ( S5E9), although season 7 is giving it some seriously fierce

Favourite season? Season 7, with Season 5 being a close second place.

Stance on EQG? Objectively viewed I do not like the movies, but I can´t help but
remember enjoying them to some extend ( Rainbow
Rocks is the exception, i genuinely liked that one).


Well, I am still alive. Status update · 3:58pm Aug 8th, 2018

I was pretty much gone from here for a good bit.

First and foremost, I published a new story. Nothing amazing, but I do hope it's a nice enough read. It's tagged in this blog post, so if you haven't already, please consider checking it out ^^

So, what have I been up to and why was I so inactive?

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Report Fedairkid · 315 views · Story: A new day ·
Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

Just wanted to drop by and see how you're doing, and wanted to just thank you again for welcoming me back in 2017 when I joined around this site haha

Hey hey! Thanks for boarding the Crazy Train :yay:

:rainbowlaugh: Thanks! One day I'll get there without porn. Maybe. Hopefully. :twilightsmile:


Congratulations on your first feature, even if it was just porn. :trollestia:


It was a great game, and for some reason I really like that quote. A lot of truth to it...

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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