• Member Since 10th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen June 17th



INFO! · 2:48am Oct 1st, 2017

I am a bisexual, ambivert, pacifistic, optimistic, democratic, liberal who is an atheist

Can I hear what you are? You don`t have to, the alternate is to bash me at what I am so have with that!

Report Keel · 397 views ·

Blog Posts

  • 197 weeks
    Hmm... Who is this?

    How long has it been? A year and a half, at least, since I left? It's felt longer yet shorter at the same time. You probably don't remember me because of the inactivity or the name and profile picture change... and the take down of the bio and stories :v

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    10 comments · 233 views
  • 284 weeks
    I think it's time to take my leave...

    I've been contemplating on making this blog post for a while now. I've been thinking of almost leaving this site entirely. I no longer find editing and writing enjoyable. The flame and interest I once had in those two subjects has been diminished. And almost every one of my internet friends I've made on this site have either left, become dormant, or are just inactive. There are still a few on here that are active, but we just don't talk anymore, mainly my fault.

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    4 comments · 317 views
  • 300 weeks
    Subscribe to Pewdiepie

    Unsubscribe from T-series

    0 comments · 259 views
  • 315 weeks
    Who else forgets their Anniversarys on this site?

    I just realized I missed my 2 year anniversary... huh.

    Also I hope you had a happy 'Merica day.

    0 comments · 296 views
  • 331 weeks

    Will any of you stay with the fandom when this releases? I don't know about me but... I think I might.

    5 comments · 389 views
Comments ( 195 )
  • Viewing 191 - 195 of 195

You still here? Double-Wow!

You still here? Wow.

It only deserves it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against Starlight!

I've recently found out that I love drama stories, and yours does the trick well.

And of course, you can use her. :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 191 - 195 of 195
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