• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th


Song Stuck in My Head



Might have caught a small writing bug · 8:40pm Dec 3rd, 2017

So I've taken a break from a lot of things. Gotten over my depression, working a part time job while I finish up school. I've even gotten back into watching mlp again. I've been dabbling with the idea of writing something that I've always been a fan of but never had the time or motivation to do. So for all you guys following, keep an eye out for another potential story coming your way. But I will give you a hint. It involves a main character from my most popular story.

Report Kerberos · 333 views ·

My best Stories

Comments ( 45 )
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Kerbs.... Four years have passed since your last chapter of The love of the sun. ... Hear me out. I know life happened... continues to happen, much like the unavoidable gears of time, inexorably, without give or pause. I'm not sure how often you come to visit us here, but remember we'll always have your home here waiting for you. Past the human anxieties, the inscrutable politics, and the yearning for more. I continue to hope, to reach you where your inspiration lives and loves. You have woven such color and magnificence in your story that... I can't help but reach out, to call you once again here. No story is too late to finish, no preset of heart and mind changed that the world you gave us cannot be given it's true finish. Come back to us, take a chance on your words once more, and remember the family you have grown with your heart.

Wish you would come back and continue The Love of the Sun, really liked it.

I’m dying from a cliffhanger on one of your stories that are still incomplete

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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