My Little Pony Archive Project! · 11:45pm Mar 28th, 2014
Alright guys! We need your help to archive the fancontent before it is gone!
Setup your nick on the irc.
After that, type in /join #MLParchiveproject
I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.
Alright guys! We need your help to archive the fancontent before it is gone!
Setup your nick on the irc.
After that, type in /join #MLParchiveproject
When are you going to continue Rise of a Nation?
Just wanted to say I love your icon....
Thanks laddy
Your avatar makes me giggle.
No problem, it's a remarkably cute story and I find that well written stories with a more or less "positive" view on Fascism to be a rarity; one rarity that you seem to be a part of!