• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2022


I'm a male alicorn named Sky, who is addicted to Destiny 2


I'm back (Somewhat of) · 3:24pm Jan 15th, 2018

So, after taktaking a really loong break from writing im going to return to it soon, beginning a bunch of new stories.

I had mostly been active on Twitter, enyoing the art of Roleplay. You should check out my Twitter account @mlp_Thundersky to see in which direction the new stories are going to go.

Report MLP_Thundersky · 232 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Danke für den follow :twilightsmile:

Sure, that'd be great!

If you want to I can give something to read about it before it comes out

Thanks for the fave on Of Guns, Mechs and Magic! And thanks for the follow. Can't wait to see your story

No problem it's a really good story, my should be up soon too.

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