SYNCHRONY Oneshots - Part One
Spare Me It's not everyday that somebody gets released from Tartarus State Penitentiary. Best to give them a good sending off, if they'll let you. 1,350 words · 33 · 1
Yes I Can There's a new superhero in Canterlot City. Rainbow Dash isn't happy about it. At least her dad is there to vent to. 1,124 words · 15 · 1
Nothing if Not Big McIntosh: Farmer. Brother. Doer of many things. Apple Bloom has a favor to ask him, and he's not gonna like it... 1,071 words · 20 · 1
Consider it Done Applejack and Rarity discuss a little secret they're keeping between them, and a few plans for the future. 1,685 words · 74 · 3
Hold On It's almost time for another Pie sisters outing! But first, Pinkie has to share her excitement with Limestone and Marble over a nice breakfast. 1,642 words · 20 · 1
SYNCHRONY Oneshots - Part Two
Rather Fetching, Don't You Think? The good news? Someone has finally volunteered to help out at the animal shelter with Fluttershy! The bad news? It's an ex-conman who was just let out of prison... Wish her luck. 3,877 words · 42 · 1
Of All the Girls to Fall For On a pleasant summer afternoon, Sunset invites Twilight out to talk about a few things. But not all things can be said so readily, if at all, and that fact is ever present in Sunset's mind. 5,644 words · 110 · 2
No Other Choice Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna head to lunch with a pair of old friends, to catch up on old times and discuss the future. Because trouble is brewing in the city of Canterlot, and they aren't in a position to do anything about it. 3,602 words · 13 · 1
You Wouldn't Understand Not all human lives are equal, and not all humans are 'good'. This has always been true, and for years she's been living on the 'low' end of both spectra. In the future that will change, she knows this, but for now she just has to take each day - and 2,473 words · 9 · 2
Status Update 4/17/2019 · 3:22am Apr 18th, 2019
Hey all! I just wanted to let everyone know that I got the help I needed, and have finished editing the new chapter of Sunset in Ponyville. Expect to see it published sometime tomorrow morning, barring any problems on my end.
I hope you all look forward to it!
Sorry for being one of those people but any plans to update sunset in ponyville and if so I hope that while she was a bit too much in the insults and finding aj and flutter shy boring for shallow reasons; that it would validate sunset not being forced to be friends with ponies she doesn’t like and it’s not like her criticisms of the other 3 were wrong
I hope you enjoy my stories. And I hope you and Applety have been doing well!
Oh! Awesome!
Hey! My wife Applety I believe does some of your pre-reading. I actually am interested in reading your story, but I don't have all the free time in the world, but I wanted to drop by to say that I definitely plan to when I get the time!
Please do write more of it
Thanks! I'm glad you're loving that timeline so far, it's been quite fun to write and figure out.