• Member Since 28th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2023


A Short Gamer Who Writes and Draws


Open Book · 4:40pm Jan 25th, 2017

Life is an open book,
We all fear to take a look,
At the pains of our past,
And the days of our last,
Tempted are we,
To close the book, we fear to see,
Tempted are we to ignore the Lord,
We think there is so much more,
Blessed is Thee that follows Jesus,
And knows that he loves us,
So weary sinner searching for truth,
Old and in youth,
Flip to the page with a smile,
And stay a while,
The lord will mend your pain,
And help you see happiness again,
so praise the Lord,

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Storm · 4:41pm Jan 25th, 2017

I didn't ask for the storm,
the lord brought it to me,
to show me there is so much more,
to life then anger and tears,
to show me I can stand agents my fears,
to heal the hurt in my heart,
to show me I can make a new start,
to lead me to a better place,
full of beauty and grace,
where love is always shinning,
and the people harmonizing,
where anger and fear do not exist,
and evil and hatred exit,
so weary sinner do not fear the storm,
just let your heart open and praise the lord.

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Name: Amber
Age: 20
Games I love playing the most: Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, Terraria, Slime Ranchers, Minecraft.
I am a normally shy person who enjoys video games, drawing, and writing. I have Tourrete's Syndrome, I also won't be online a lot but I will try to be active.

stories are all old but will be worked on as soon as I can get back into the story lines for them!

My blogs mainly involve my Ocs


I make them do a news show talking about stuff going on in my life or just them being random.

Though if something comes up and I am not able to make a funny little news thing about it then it will just be me talking.


Discord · 12:42am Aug 7th, 2021

So I have a Discord account (have for awhile) and I wanted to know if any of y'all wanted to chat there, I know I don't get on here as often as I would like to but things just always feel strange and scary here but I have a lot of people on here I still see as good friends and still want to talk to and stuff, maybe play some games with :D

So if you have Discord and wanna chat, let me know ^-^

Love you all! :D :D :D

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Comments ( 153 )
  • Viewing 149 - 153 of 153

Welcome ^u^ your stories are always so awesome

Thank you so much for adding "My Office. NOW!" to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

I don't really want sketches, but I will let ya know when I want some.
also welcome

Thank you for the follow. :twilightsmile: It's really appreciated.

I assume you want a free sketch, right? If so, go ahead and tell me what you want, and I'll draw it to the best of my abilities.

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