• Member Since 6th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 27th, 2018


And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now. The clock is striking twelve's.

Welcome to my User Page!

Well, how you ended up here is beyond me, but I guess you're here now, so let's do introductions.
My name is Draconaquest. I'm a striving author and voice actor hoping and praying to achieve his dreams. I haven't published a story here for two years now, and it's time I move on.
I'll be leaving soon, so please be my guest and read what I have here.
Thanks for visiting!


Guys...I'm gonna get real here... (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT) · 1:02am Jan 7th, 2018

My time is running short. No, I'm not dying.
I mean my time here. On FiMFic.

I've noticed recently that I've been spending less and less time here. During December I posted only one blog and it was a joke referencing Doki Doki Literature Club. I never posted a blog for Christmas or the New Year or even the 'monthly update' that I'd been doing.

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Report Draconaquest · 630 views ·
Comments ( 700 )
  • Viewing 696 - 700 of 700

Late happy new year old chum

Requiaset en pace, good doctor.

Mr. Draconaquest, if you alllow me and permit me, I would like to do some thing or you.

Well, it is one of the more popular Terror Time videos....somehow.

*Dies of laughter* :rainbowlaugh: Adam, get this. I was looking up Terror Time for reasons, and your video of it popped up in the queue

  • Viewing 696 - 700 of 700
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