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- For a thousand year, Princess Celestia has ruled Equstria and the nation have saw such long lasting peace and stability its miraculous. However, what if somepony tells you that it'd all be impossible without a certain human behind the scene?NeovilusAlpheim · 3.6k words · 416 views
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1849467 Don't mention it mate.
Thanks dude, I'll read them right away!
1849453 Well, welcome back to hell, I mean FiMFiction.
In your absence Doctor Whooves 3, 4, and 5 have been released, with 6 on the way.
I have just added to you're summer reading list, but, don't worry, it'll probably only take you about an hour and a half to read them.
Thank you and sorry for the (incredibly) late reply, I have just awaken from my slumber (being a 9th-grader made me wanna focus on studying for the national tests so I stopped reading fimfic) and this is my return after all! :)
You've commented on my first two Doctor Whooves stories before, so I figured I would tell you that the third one is out and available to read.