• Member Since 9th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 8th

The Forgotten Host

It's been far too long my dear guest. I will be your humble host for tonight's... arrangements. I hope to serve you to the best of my... abilities.

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Not Dead · 7:12am Apr 5th, 2015

Hi everyone, your favorite fanfic of your favorite fanfic author here. You must be wondering why I haven't updated Mind Of A Non-Brony yet. I'm at the ended of my college semester, and I'm finding it difficult to find the will to write after handing in assignment after assignment. But that's not the real reason I don't have any progress on my belt.

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Report The Forgotten Host · 470 views · Story: Mind of a Non-Brony ·
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Hey there! I hope you enjoyed my stories! :pinkiehappy:

1486797 Oh... Now I feel stupid.:facehoof: Well, what's done is done. I'm still going to follow you; was going to get to it eventually anyway. I won't be making many stories, just expanding on a few. 117 has BIG plans and Nova is just a pass time for if I hit a block in 117. I may write other stories in my time here; but don't bet on me writing a large collection.

1486747 Oh my bad, I accidentally followed you while reading through your HiE fic. Not that your bad or anything, If you wrote more stories I'd definitely consider it. Sorry for the false alarm.

Well, I must say; thank you for the watch. I do not know what I did, but I don't think it really matters. Just happy that people like me enough to watch. Rest assured that the gesture will be reciprocated.

Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria Group! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

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