Oh my Gosh Someone Write a Fanfic About This. · 9:28pm Dec 10th, 2015
GUYS. PINKIE PIE IS A CHANGELING.https://youtu.be/-Sym1h72K2c
I am a class-one nerd that loves fluttercord, video games, writing, and drawing.
GUYS. PINKIE PIE IS A CHANGELING.https://youtu.be/-Sym1h72K2c
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Hi, I've seen your comments on quite a few stories, and as your fellow Fluttercord shipper, maybe you could check out my stories
"Is he a monster"
"Love can be found anywhere"
and "She said yes"
you don't have to, just a suggestion okay?
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for the follow
Hello!!!I was just giving follows so take one!!!^v^
Thanks for favoriting "Just a Bad Colt". Glad you liked it.
Oh, and thanks for favoriting "Rainbow Dash OOC", too!
And for "The Phantom Pony of Everfree", as well!