• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Sup. I'm a guy that loves MLP, and also loves dragons. I'm an artist and studying to be an animator... but writing fics is still pretty fun. Not really much else to say.

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Pony Life (This is New) · 5:27am Sep 17th, 2020

So I'm not sure how long this has been out for... but it looks like MLP:FiM was given the Teen Titans Go! treatment that seems to being implemented with new shows everywhere.

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Report Falx_of_Lume · 233 views ·

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Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

Thanks for adding Harmonic Reverb to your favorites!

Thanks for Favoriting, This One's For Earth!

Hey! Thanks so much for favoriting The Return of Sunset! Glad you liked it, and I hope your day's going well! :twilightsmile:

Yeah. I started with the shock value titles with "fuck" being the operative word and I'll likely end with that.

Hmm. I like the sound of that. That opens up plenty of opportunities, and maybe it would extend the series farther than three parts.

I've received a lot of input for my next sequel, and all of them are way better than my original idea. I'll think of something soon and when I do, I hope it delivers. Thank you again for your kind words!

No prob!

And let me guess... the next story's going to be titled somewhere along the lines of "All the Fucks Twilight doesn't give"?

The logical sequence in my mind is that Twilight stops feeling sorry for herself for what she unintentionally caused, and then proceeds to go out to town, start cursing everywhere, and then get arrested and thrown in a cell with Smolder. It's your story though, so whatever you do will probably be good and hilarious.

Keep up the good work!

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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