A Dream of DawnWhat if Luna won against Twilight? What happens when Discord comes back?by Starsong
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A Stranger Among the VoicesThe arrival of a strange creature sends ripples through the lives of several inhabitants within Equestria.by Tystarr
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A Witch in Broad DaylightRainbow Dash sets out to defeat the legendary witch Twilight Sparkle and collect the five hundred million bit bounty on her head. The one thing she wasn't counting on was Twilight being less evil than she expected.by Epsilon-Delta
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The Enchanted LibraryWhen one fateful search through the Everfree Forest leads Rarity to a secret library inhabited by the spirit of an ancient alicorn princess, she realises that it may be time to start believing in fairy tales.by Monochromatic
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Queen of EquestriaQueen Twilight Sparkle is now the only ruler of Equestria. Her own safety and that of the nation are torn apart by those intent on their own rise to power and a shadow obsessed with immortality...by BlackWater
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