• Member Since 4th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen July 1st

Doolally Loop

Enjoying life’s topsy-turvyness, happy that I have no idea what I'm doing.

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So... · 9:28am Sep 20th, 2018

Put up the first chapter of 'Time and Space' up yesterday.
Genuinely surprised it got as much notice as it has. Which is, admittedly, not much compared to most stories on this website, but is far more than what I had expected.

I'm not massively sure how to react... or feel about it.
I'll end this with telling you, that I am, to an extent, dumbfounded.

Report Doolally Loop · 238 views · Story: Time and Space ·
Comments ( 44 )
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Thank you for adding The Pony That Wanted To Be A Hero to your favorites. Glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you will enjoy the sequel when it comes out. :eeyup:

Thanks for favoriting my stories! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on All That We Are.

Thank you for adding An Overlord Apart to your Favorites!

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