Upon clicking on this page you have vowed to uplift and respect me in any fashion you wish. Except the haters, the haters can downlift me and disrespect me, I don't care. Now, onto me.
Age - 14
Gender - Male
Likes - Video Games, Television, Movies etcetera etcetera
Dislikes - Myself, harsh people, life,
Gamer - Yes
Relationship - NUPE, NOT UVER
Fan of - Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel, DC, Anime, Persona,
Sexuality - Bisexual
Good Personality - Nothing
Bad Personality - Everything
Looks - 130 cm tall, fair skin, skinny and lean, likes wearing long swishy coats for some reason,
brown eyes, black hair
Life - Just an average 13 year old boy, you know except for the everything part.
Favourite Character - Discord, Luna, Twilight
I also have Asperger Syndrome, just thought I would put that here
Hey, I'm still here buddy
Wat happenned? Why r u banned?
I swear to God you'd better log back on and say you didn't do it
2254429 Im going to play it safe and say no mainly because I don't know what you have planned and their might be creative difference, but you should still check out my story
2254251 would you like to collaborate on Doctor Whooves Revisited?
Hello there fellow whovian you should check out my Doctor Who x MLP fic. If you want to collaborate or just want to talk Doctor Who PM me
2247941 Nooo *hugs again*
I'm sure you'll find it soon, maybe it's just hiding somewhere you won't expect to find it. Like when I searched my whole house for my phone only to remember I left it on top of the washing machine hours before... that was only slightly irrelevant. If you don't find it, well, at least you tried. Stay strong
2247940 *sniffles*
I can't find my zoloft and I am not happy