• Member Since 24th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Twijack friendshipping, and a girl who loves MLP.

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I’M AN AUNT!!! · 7:45pm June 21st

On Wednesday my sister had her first baby and I am so happy and ready for to be the best aunt ever!

Report Applegirl · 17 views ·
Comments ( 139 )
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You’re welcome and I will change it. Have a great time on your mission. I’ll know you will do great and thank you for being a friend.

My mission start date is coming up soon. I wanted to say thank you for being my friend. I'm glad I found you.

Also, could you change Mormon to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Or just not have it, if it doesn't fit?

Thanks for all the faves, just to let you know, I'm rewriting Passing On Together and combining it with its midquel. Hope you'll like the new one as well.

Thanks for the fave.

  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139
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